Dendrokronologisk Laboratorium

NNU rapport 33, 1999
0069 2069 2139 2029 2089 2039 2049 2079 2019 2059 2109 2099 2119 2129
2069 * 7,81 6,04 6,38 3,64 3,74 4,19 2,86 2,90 - - - 2,94
2139 7,81 * 5,81 6,30 - - - - \ \ \ - -
2029 6,04 5,81 * 15,94 2,74 2,74 2,84 5,02 2,77 - - 3,58 2,99
2089 6,38 6,30 15,94 * 3,85 4,45 3,46 3,71 3,64 2,58 4,91 3,54 3,25
2039 3,64 - 2,74 3,85 * 18,67 4,93 3,25 3,55 3,35 3,47 2,82 -
2049 3,74 - 2,74 4,45 18,67 * 4,52 - 3,98 - - - 3,20
2079 4,19 - 2,84 3,46 4,93 4,52 * 3,51 4,07 4,34 4,42 2,54 3,00
2019 2,86 - 5,02 3,71 3,25 - 3,51 * 10,39 4,71 4,00 - -
2059 2,90 \ 2,77 3,64 3,55 3,98 4,07 10,39 * 3,89 3,16 - -
2109 - \ - 2,58 3,35 - 4,34 4,71 3,89 * 8,46 - \
2099 - \ - 4,91 3,47 - 4,42 4,00 3,16 8,46 * \ \
2119 - - 3,58 3,54 2,82 - 2,54 - - - \ * -
2129 2,94 - 2,99 3,25 - 3,20 3,00 - - \ \ - *
Tabel 1: Skema over synkroniseringsværdierne, internt
00692M01 00692119 00692129
DANMARK Vest Dk 9m100006 3,25 3,91 -
Øst Dk 9m230001 5,66 - 2,87
Jylland  9m456781 8,06 7,76 3,46
TYSKLAND Schleswig-Holstein dm100003 8,73 4,86 7,54
SVERIGE SV Skåne sm000001 5,17 3,66 -
Lund-Skåne-Blekinge sm000002 5,02 3,37 -
Ystad sm100002 2,98 - \
Småland-Øland sm600002 2,77 2,56 -
ENGLAND England gbm00002 5,63 - 2,84
London gbm00003 4,30 - -
N England-Wales gbm00008 4,72 - 3,78
Roskilde vrag 3. Skema over synkroniseringsværdierne, grundkurver, absolut datering.

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x56 
88 år, kun kerneved.
945-1032 e.Kr., efter ca. 1053 e.Kr.
Stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00692059

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x64 
143 år, kun kerneved.
884-1026 e.Kr., efter ca. 1047 e.Kr.
Stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00692089

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x66 
167 år, kun kerneved.
869-1035 e.Kr., efter ca. 1056 e.Kr.
Stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00692049

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x9
137 år, kun kerneved.
879-1015 e.Kr., efter ca. 1036 e.Kr.
Stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00692039

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x11
90 år, kun kerneved.
952-1041 e.Kr., efter ca. 1062 e.Kr.
Stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00692019

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x12
121 år, kun kerneved.
891-1011 e.Kr., efter ca. 1032 e.Kr.

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x14
104 år, heraf 1 år i splintved.
933-1036 e.Kr., ca. 1055 e.Kr.

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x15
132 år, kun kerneved.
885-1016 e.Kr., efter ca. 1037 e.Kr.
Stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00692029

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x16
44 år, kun kerneved.
992-1035 e.Kr., efter ca. 1056 e.Kr.

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x22
83 år, kun kerneved.
966-1048 e.Kr., efter ca. 1069 e.Kr.

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x25
190 år, kun kerneved.
813-1002 e.Kr., efter ca. 1023 e.Kr.

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x30
96 år, kun kerneved.
880-975 e.Kr., efter ca. 996 e.Kr.

Vrag 3, bordplanke ROM 1855 x31
81 år, kun kerneved.
883-963 e.Kr., efter ca. 984 e.Kr.

Tilbage til rapportsiden

NNU report 33, 1999

Shipwreck 'Roskilde 3'

In total 13 samples of Quercus sp., oak were examined. Sapwood was preserved on one of the samples. All the samples are dated.
All the samples were taken from the ship's planks; more detail on the location of the samples was not supplied.
The analysis shows that six of the samples probably come from three single trees. Each pair of tree-ring curves from these samples are averaged to form "tree-curves" which are used in further analysis. This is the case for the following curves/samples:

00692029 and 00692089 are averaged to 00692219
00692039 and 00692049 are averaged to 00692229
00692019 and 00692059 are averaged to 00692239

The analysis further shows that two of the samples (00692119 and 00692129) do not belong with main group, neither do they match with each other, that is the t-values achieved in the internal cross-matching are low. The samples are dated by using the master chronologies from west Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein respectively.

The curves from 11 of the samples, that is eight trees (see table 1), cross-date and are averaged to form a mean curve of 180 years (00692M01), which covers the period AD 869-1048.

One of the samples (00692079) has sapwood preserved. The outermost preserved tree-ring was formed in AD 1036. Taking into account the overall results of the dating of the samples, it can be concluded that the felling date for the trees, from which the samples come, can be placed at ca. AD 1060-65.

If sample 00692109, which only has heartwood preserved, and whose outermost preserved tree-ring was formed in AD 1048, is presumed to be a repair, then the felling date for the other trees can be placed a bit earlier, at circa. AD 1055.

The building of the ship can in general have taken place within the period circa AD 1055-1065.

Dendroprovenance ?
The mean curve 00692M01 cross-dates with master chronologies for oak from around the west Baltic. The highest t-values occur with master chronologies from west Denmark (Jutland) and Schleswig-Holstein. The t-values though are not so significant that a better provenance can be given.

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