Konservator Tångeberg. Bestilt af Peter Tångeberg.
Undersøgt af Thomas Bartholin, Niels Bonde, Aoife Daly og Orla
Hylleberg Erikson.
NNU j.nr. A7917
Altertavle, Källunge kirke, Gotland
Otte brædder af Quercus sp., eg, undersøgt. Splintved
er bevaret på én af brædderne, hvor 3 splintår
er konstateret. To af brædderne er dateret, dog ikke den med splintveddet.
Brædderne er her forsynet med betegnelser 0092001A, 0092002A, 0092003A,
0092004A, 0092101A, 0092102A, 0092103A og 0092104A.
Højre tårn
Fire brædder er undersøgt. Undersøgelsen viser
at to brædder (0092002A og 0092004A) kommer sandsynligvis fra samme
træ. Kurverne fra disse brædder er sammenregnet til én
(00920109) som repræsenterer træet. Kurven kunne ikke dateres.
betegnelse | 0092001 | 0092003 |
0092001a | * | 6,23 |
0092003a | 6,23 | * |
LAND | grundkurve | betegnelse | 0092m001 |
DANMARK | Svendborg | 4m000001 | 3,43 |
Jylland | 9m456781 | 3,32 | |
TYSKLAND | Slesvig-Holsten | dm100003 | 4,10 |
Lübeck | dm100008 | 3,25 | |
Vest Tyskland | dm300001 | 3,32 | |
NETHERLANDS | NL | nl000001 | 3,02 |
POLEN | Gdansk Pomern | pm000004 | 3,98 |
Elblag | pm000007 | 3,80 | |
SVERIGE | SV Skåne | sm000001 | 6,89 |
Lund Skåne Blekinge | sm000002 | 7,26 | |
Vestsverige | sm000011 | 3,94 | |
Ystad | sm100003 | 3,58 | |
Mellemsverige | sm600001 | 3,12 | |
Småland Øland | sm600002 | 4,46 |
Venstre tårn
Fire brædder er undersøgt fra venstre tårn. Kurverne fra to af brædderne (0092101A og 0092103A) krydsdaterer med hinanden og kurverne fra de to andre brædder (0092102A og 0092104A) krydsdaterer ligeledes med hinanden. Kurverne kan sammenregnes til to middelkurver (00921M01 og 00921M02) på henholdsvis 34 og 40 år. Kurverne fra brædderne kunne ikke dateres formentlig på grund af for få årringe.
altertavle højre (søndre) tårn bagerste bræt 133 år, kun kerneved. 1161-1293 e.Kr., fældet efter ca. 1314 e.Kr. 0092002A
altertavle venstre (nordre) tårn højre bræt 31 år, heraf 3 år i splintved. Ikke dateret. 0092102A
KÄLLUNGE KIRKE, GOTLANDAlter piece, Källunge church, Gotland
Eight boards of Quercus sp., oak were examined. Sapwood is preserved on one of the boards, where 3 sapwood years are identified. Two of the boards are dated, though not the one with sapwood. The boards are given the names 0092001A, 0092002A, 0092003A, 0092004A, 0092101A, 0092102A, 0092103A and 0092104A.Right tower
Four boards were examined. The analysis shows that two boards (0092002A and 0092004A) probably come from the same tree. The curves from these boards are averaged to one which represents the tree. The curve could not be dated.The dated samples are averaged to a mean curve of 179 years which covers the period AD 1123-1301. The outermost preserved tree-ring was formed in AD 1301. Correcting for missing sapwood, the felling date for the trees, from which the boards derive, is estimated at after circa AD 1322.
Dendroprovenance ?
The averaged curve 0092M001 cross-dates with master chronologies for oak from around the Baltic sea. The highest t-value appears with master chronologies from Lund/Skåne/Blekinge - southwest Sweden. It should be pointed out though that the t-values are too low to determine the provenance.Left tower
Four boards were examined from the left tower. The curves from two of the boards (0092101A and 0092103A) cross-match with each other and similarly, the curves from the other two other boards (0092102A and 0092104A) cross-match with each other. The curves are averaged to two mean curves of 34 and 40 years respectively. The curves from the boards could not be dated, most likely because they contain too few tree-rings.