Dendrokronologisk Laboratorium

NNU rapport 46, 1999
0087001a 0087001b
0087001a * 5,34
0087001b 5,34 *
Tabel 1. Szczecin Podzamcze, Polen. Skema over synkroniseringsværdierne (t-værdi ved brug af CROS (Baillie & Pilcher 1973)), internt.
DENMARK East Denmark 9m230001 4,75
Jutland 9m456781 4,87
GERMANY Schleswig-Holstein dm100003 6,74
Lübeck dm100008 2,69
SWEDEN Southwest Scania sm000001 6,32
Lund Scania Blekinge sm000002 6,94
Gotland sm400001 3,88
Tabel 2: Szczecin Podzamcze, Poland. Skema over synkroniseringsværdierne mellem trækurven 0087M001 og diverse grundkurver for eg fra Nord Europa.

planke 2a 
148 år, kun kerneved.
871-1018 e.Kr., efter ca. 1038 
planke 2b 
86 år, kun kerneved.
934-1019 e.Kr., efter ca. 1039 

Tilbage til rapportsiden

NNU report 46, 1999

The Centre for Maritime Archaeology at the National Museum of Denmark.
Submitted by George Indruszewski.
Examined by Niels Bonde, Aoife Daly, Orla Hylleberg Eriksen and Tomasz Wazny.
NNU A7947

The wreck was found in 1996, in an archaeological excavation near Szczecin's medieval castle. It is now housed in the National Museum in Szczecin/Stettin (Indrusewski, see appendix).

Two samples of Quercus sp., oak were examined. Neither of the samples had sapwood preserved. Both samples are dated.

The curves from the samples are averaged to form a mean curve (0087M001) of 149 years, which covers the period AD 871-1019.

Allowing for missing sapwood, in that normal sapwood width for Danish/Swedish oaks is circa 20 years, the felling date for the trees from which the samples come, is estimated to after circa AD 1039. This date can be taken as the date for the building of the ship.

Dendroprovenance ?
In dating the mean curve 0087M001, master chronologies for oak from around the Baltic sea are used (see table 2). The mean curve cross-dates with chronologies from Schleswig-Holstein and southern Sweden. The t-values do not indicate the provenance for the trees, from which the samples come.

Sapwood statistic Bonde upubl; c. 20 years+10/-5

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