Dendrokronologisk Laboratorium

NNU rapport 51, 1999
Skibsvrag, Møllestrømmen, Haderslev
træ 1 
træ 2 
0029 0019 009A 0039 0049 0069 010A 0059 007A 008A 011A 0139 0129
00990029 * 4,40 2,88 3,07 - 2,68 3,41 - - - - - -
00990019 4,40 * 17,57 13,85 12,36 15,17 9,37 - - - - - -
0099009A 2,88 17,57 * 12,39 11,21 11,56 9,15 - - - - - -
00990039 3,07 13,85 12,39 * 11,29 14,80 11,51 2,76 3,11 - - - -
00990049 - 12,36 11,21 11,29 * 10,99 12,32 - - - - - -
00990069 2,68 15,17 11,56 14,80 10,99 * 14,65 - - - - - -
0099010A 3,41 9,37 9,15 11,51 12,32 14,65 * 2,85 2,72 - - - -
00990059 - - - 2,76 - - 2,85 * 15,23 12,00 - - -
0099007A - - - 3,11 - - 2,72 15,23 * 19,92 - - -
0099008A - - - - - - - 12,00 19,92 * - - -
0099011A - - - - - - - - - - * 4,95 3,88
00990139 - - - - - - - - - - 4,95 * 6,02
00990129 - - - - - - - - - - 3,88 6,02 *
Tabel 1: Skibsvrag, Møllestrømmen, Haderslev. Skema over synkroniseringsværdierne (t-værdi ved brug af CROS (Baillie & Pilcher 1973)), internt.

Daterings diagram, skibsvrag, Møllestrømmen, Haderslev
00990029 00991019 00991029 0099M002
AD 1003 AD 903 AD 1004 AD 1001
AD 1187 AD 1198 AD 1205 AD 1225
DANMARK Østdanmark 9M230001 3,39 5,47 4,07 -
Jylland/Fyn 9M456781 2,86 5,25 8,84 4,02
TYSKLAND Slesvig-Holsten DM100003 3,08 7,74 6,27 3,65
Hamburg DM100007 - 3,82 - 2,69
Lübeck DM100008 - 4,45 - 2,98
Weser DM200004 - 3,14 3,67 -
Niedersachsen DM200005 5,07 5,89 4,31 2,82
Lüneburger Heide DM200006 4,84 4,01 4,38 2,55
Vesttyskland  DM300001 - 4,68 - -
UK England GBM00002 - 4,99 4,05 -
London GBM00005 - 4,01 3,41 -
Northern England/Wales GBM00008 - 6,00 2,95 -
POLEN Gdansk Pomerania PM000004 - - 4,33 -
Elblag PM000007 2,58 - 4,68 2,91
SVERIGE Lund Skåne Blekinge SM000002 2,96 3,28 - -
Mellemsverige SM600001 4,30 4,32 2,70 -
Småland-Øland SM600002 - - 4,65
Tabel 2: Møllestrømmen, Haderslev. Skema over synkroniseringsværdierne mellem trækurverne 00990029, 00991019, 00991029 og middelkurven 0099M002 og diverse grundkurver fra Nord Europa.

HAM 10822 x40 planke 
228 år, kun kerneved.
923-1150 e.Kr., ca. 1211 e.Kr. 
Træ 1, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00990039, 00990049, 00990069, 0099009A og 0099010A 

HAM 10822 x35 planke 
185 år, splintved konstateret.
1003-1187 e.Kr., ca. 1207 e.Kr. 

HAM 10822 x34a planke 
205 år, splintved?
988-1192 e.Kr., ca. 1211 e.Kr. 
Træ 1, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00990019, 00990049, 00990069, 0099009A og 0099010A 

HAM 10822 x33 planke 
277 år, splintved konstateret.
919-1195 e.Kr., ca. 1211 e.Kr. 
Træ 1, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00990019, 00990039, 00990069, 0099009A og 0099010A 

HAM 10822 x30 planke 
197 år, kun kerneved.
1004-1200 e.Kr., efter ca. 1226 e.Kr. 
Træ 2, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 0099007A og 0099008A

HAM 10822 x29b planke 
225 år, heraf 7 år i splintved.
974-1198 e.Kr., ca. 1211 e.Kr. 
Træ 1, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00990019, 00990039, 00990049, 0099009A og 0099010A 

HAM 10822 x36a planke 
187 år, kun kerneved.
1009-1195 e.Kr., efter ca. 1226 e.Kr. 
Træ 2, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00990059 og 0099008A 

HAM 10822 x37b planke 
194 år, kun kerneved.
1012-1205 e.Kr., efter ca. 1226 e.Kr. 
Træ 2, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00990059 og 0099007A 

HAM 10822 x37c planke 
280 år, splintved?
903-1182 e.Kr., ca. 1211 e.Kr. 
Træ 1, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00990019, 00990039, 00990049, 00990069 og 0099010A 

HAM 10822 x39 planke 
222 år, splintved?
976-1197 e.Kr., ca. 1211 e.Kr. 
Træ 1, stammer sandsynligvis fra samme træ som 00990019, 00990039, 00990049, 00990069 og 0099009A 

HAM10822 x3/23 spant 
200 år, kun kerneved.
1001-1200 e.Kr., efter ca. 1220 e.Kr. 

HAM10822 x21 spant 
113 år, heraf 5 år i splintved.
1113-1225 e.Kr., ca. 1240 e.Kr. 

HAM10822 x22 spant 
138 år, heraf 15 år i splintved.
1068-1205 e.Kr., ca. 1210 e.Kr. 

Tilbage til rapportsiden

NNU report 51, 1999

13 samples of Quercus sp., oak were examined. Five of the samples have sapwood preserved. All 13 samples are dated.
The analysis shows that six samples (00990019, 00990039, 00990049, 00990069, 0099009A and 0099010A) probably derive from the same tree (tree 1) and the tree-ring curves are averaged to one (00991019), which represents that tree.

A further three samples probably also come from one tree (tree 2) and the curves are averaged to one (00991029), which represents that tree.

The samples from the frames cross-date internally (see table 1) and are averaged to the mean curve 0099M002 of 225 years.

The diagram (fig) shows the datings for each sample. The dendrochronological analysis shows that in terms of the internal cross-matching achieved (the t-values, table 1) and in terms of the dating results, that the material can be divided into two groups, which might represent building and repair phases in the ship.

Building phase
Eight samples which represent three trees (plank 00990029, 6 planks, tree 1 00991019 and frame 00990139) belong to the building phase of the ship. Sapwood is preserved on two of the samples, and identified on a third. The outermost preserved tree-ring was formed in AD 1205. Allowing for missing sapwood in that normal sapwood width for north German/Danish trees is circa 20 years, the felling date for the trees, from which the samples come, is estimates to be circa AD 1211. This date can be taken as the date for the building of the ship.

Repair phase
Five samples (3 planks, tree 2 00991029, and the frames 0099011A and 00990129) might come from a repair of the ship. One of the samples (a frame) has sapwood preserved. The outermost preserved tree-ring was formed in AD 1225. Allowing for missing sapwood the felling date for the tree, from which the sample comes, is estimated to be circa AD 1240. The dating of the insertion of the repair frames in the ship may be placed at circa AD 1240. The insertion of the repair planks can also have been carried out at this time.

In dating the tree-ring curves 00990029, 00991019 and 00991029 and the mean curve 0099M002 master chronologies from norther Europe are used. It should be pointed out that successful dendroprovenancing of shipwrecks depends on how many trees are represented in the material. In this analysis the measurements show that the samples from the planks examined, probably derive from just three trees. Based on the results of the dendrochronological analysis of the planks from the ship (low internal similarity between the tree-ring curves of the individual trees) the three tree-ring curves from the planks are not averaged to a mean curve.

The mean curve 0099M002 is averaged from the tree-ring measurements from three samples from the frames, which is also as above mentioned too low a replication in the mean curve for identifying the region of origin of the trees from which the samples come.

None of the t-values are significant in respect to identifying the provenance of the timber.

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