Dendrokronologisk Laboratorium

NNU rapportblad ohe 1, 2001

A8168 Badstuestræde, Kbh. synkroniseringer mod referencekurver
B&W-grunden, 21014m02 5.51
Stralsund MK fra Goettingen, dm400002 5.66
Nordtyskland, 00000072 6.24
Polen, polpinus 4.74

To prøver af Pinus sp., fyr, er undersøgt. Begge er dateret. Undersøgelsen viser at kurverne fra prøverne krydsdaterer så godt, at de formentlig hidrører fra det samme træ. Yngste bevarede år er dannet i 1595. Det er ikke muligt at fastslå, om der er splint på prøverne. Træet, som prøverne kommer fra, er fældet efter 1595 e.Kr.
A8168 Badstuestræde, Kbh. synkroniseringer mod referencekurver for fyrretræ
Finland, finpinus 4.13
Svendborg-Norge, fyrsven1 4.09
Svendborg-Sverige, fyrsven2 8.08
Gotland, gotpinus 4.69
Helsingland, helpin01 7.36
Dalarna, stb00002 7.54
Stockholm/Uppland, stb00003 7.19
Gravsten, stbpin01 4.91
Jämtland, stbpin02 4.12
Uppland, upppin01 8.18
Aaland, aalpin01 5.13

Én prøve af Quercus sp., eg er undersøgt. Prøven, som ikke havde splintved bevaret, er dateret. Yngste bevarede år er dannet i 1334 e.Kr. Efter tillæg for manglende splintved kan det beregnes at træet, der har leveret tømmer til tøndebunden er fældet efter ca. 1350 e.Kr.

Splintstatistik: Wazny, 1990.

A8168 Badstuestræde, Kbh. synkroniseringer mod referencekurver
Poland Chronology Mk8 II, chro0005 (T. Wazny) 7.65
Polen, Elblag, pm000007 4.45
Polen, Gdansk, pm000004 3.74
Lübeck, dm100008 5.53
Slesvig-Holsten, dm100003 3.22
Vest-Tyskland, dm300001 4.08
Niedersachsen, dm200005 4.69
Lüneburger Heide, dm200006 4.70
Syd-Tyskland, dm700001 4.46
Holland, nl000001 3.44
Vest-Danmark/Fyn, 9m456781 0.78

Én prøve af Quercus sp., eg er undersøgt. Prøven kunne ikke dateres, sandsynligvis fordi der var for få år (51 år, heraf 10 splintår).

Pinus sp., fyr


KBM 2244
89 år, heraf ca. 60 splintår - bark - vinterfældning.
1639-1727 e.Kr., 1727/28 e.Kr.

KBM 2244 - prøve A
64 år, heraf 34 splintår - bark - vinterfældning.
Ikke dateret

KBM 2244 - x102
80år, heraf 40 splintår - bark - vinterfældning.
Ikke dateret.


KBM 2244 - stor prøve 
167 år. 
1337-1503 e.Kr., efter 1595 e.Kr. 

KBM 2244 - lille prøve 
225 år. 
1371-1595 e.Kr., efter 1595 e.Kr. 

Quercus sp., eg


KBM 2244 - x100 T18A
51 år heraf 10 splintår.
Ikke dateret


KBM 2244 - x101 T19
185 år, kun kerneved.
1150-1334 e.Kr., efter ca. 1350 e.Kr.

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English summary:

NNU report sheet ohe 1, 2001


Three samples of Pinus sp., pine were examined. All the samples had bark preserved. One sample was dated. The bark-ring on the dated sample was fully formed in AD 1727. The tree, from which the waterpipe comes, was felled in the winter of AD 1727/28.

Two samples of Pinus sp., pine, were examined. Both are dated. The analysis shows that the curves from the samples cross-match so well, that they probably come from the same tree. The outermost measured tree-ring was formed in AD 1595. It is not possible to identify sapwood on the samples. The tree, from which the samples come, was felled after AD 1595.

Barrel base/lid
One sample of Quercus sp., oak, was examined. The sample, which did not have sapwood preserved, was dated. The outermost preserved tree-ring was formed in AD 1334. Allowing for missing sapwood, the felling date for the tree, from which the sample comes, can be estimated to after c. AD 1350.

Sapwood statistic: Wazny, 1990.

One sample of Quercus sp., oak, was examined. The sample could not be dated, probably due to too few tree-rings (51 years, of which 10 were sapwood).

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