Dendrokronologisk Laboratorium

NNU rapportblad ohe 4, 2000

A8161 Sct. Mortens kirke, Fur interne synkroniseringer
81290019 81290029 81290039
81290019 * 6.73 5.10
81290029 6.73 * 7.55
81290039 5.10 7.55 *

FUM207/00x2a, skive fra nordlige bjælkeende af spær 2 fra øst. 
88 år, kun kerneved. 
1331-1418 e.Kr., efter ca. 1433 e.Kr. 

FUM207/00x3a, skive fra nordlige bjælkeende af spær 3 fra øst. 
78 år, heraf 5 splintår. 
1344-1421 e.Kr., ca. 1436 e.Kr. 

FUM207/00x4a, skive fra sydlige bjælkeende af spær 4 fra øst. 
78 år, heraf 12 splintår. 
1351-1428 e.Kr., ca, 1436 e.Kr. 

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English summary:

NNU report sheet ohe 4, 2000


Church, roof over chancel
Three samples of Quercus sp., oak were examined. All samples were dated. Two of the samples had sapwood preserved. The curves from the samples cross-match and are averaged to a mean curve of 98 years The outermost preserved tree-ring was formed in AD 1428. Allowing for missing sapwood, the felling date for the trees, from which the samples come, is estimated to be c. AD 1436.

Sapwood statistic: 20 -5/+10 years.

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