Dendrokronologisk Laboratorium

NNU rapportblad ohe 5, 2000

A8168 Badstuestræde, Kbh. synkroniseringer mod referencekurver
B&W-grunden, 21014m02 5.51
Stralsund MK fra Goettingen, dm400002 5.66
Nordtyskland, 00000072 6.24
Polen, polpinus 4.74

KBM 2244
89 år, heraf ca. 60 splintår - bark - vinterfældning.
1639-1727 e.Kr., 1727/28 e.Kr.

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English summary:

NNU report sheet ohe 5, 2000


Water pipe
One sample of Pinus sp., pine was examined. The sample, which has bark preserved, was dated. The bark-ring was fully formed in AD 1727. The tree, from which the water pipe comes, was felled in the winter of AD 1727/28.

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