Hans Helbæk: Bibliografisk oversigt

Bibliography of Hans Helbæk

Compiled by Mette Marie Hald and Peter Steen Henriksen



Danmark - Denmark

1938 Planteavl. In: G. Hatt (ed.) Jernalderens bopladser i Himmerland. Årbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie: 216-226.

1950 Tollundmandens sidste Måltid. Årbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie: 311-41.

1951 Ukrudtsfrø som Næringsmiddel i førromersk jernalder. KUML: 65-74.

1951  Et vegetarisk måltid fra jernalderen. Naturhistorisk Tidende 5: 75-78.

1952 Spelt (Triticum spelta) in Bronze Age Denmark. Acta Archaeologica 23: 97-107.

1952 Preserved apples and Panicum in the prehistoric site at Nørre Sandegaard in Bornholm. Acta Archaeologica 23: 107-15.

1953  Sæddodder og korn på Bornholm i det 13. århundrede. Bornholmske Samlinger 33:9-15.

1954 Prehistoric food plants and weeds in Denmark. A survey of archaeobotanical research 1923-1954. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelser 2/80: 250-61.

1954 Store Valby - Kornavl i Danmarks første neolitiske fase. Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie: 198-204.

1957 Bornholm plant economy in the first half of the first millennium AD. In: O. Klindt-Jensen (ed.) Bornholm i folkevandringstiden. Nationalmuseets Skrifter, Større Beretninger 2: 259-77.

1958 Grauballemandens sidste Måltid. KUML: 83-116.

1958 Korndyrkningens udvikling på Bornholm. Bornholmske samlinger 36: 117-129.

1958 The Oxbøl grain. Acta Archaeologica 29: 155-157.

1970 Da rugen kom til Danmark. KUML: 279-296.

1974/5 The Fyrkat Grain. A geographical and chronological study of rye. In: O.Olsen, E. Roesdahl og H.W. Schmidt (eds.) Fyrkat. En jysk vikingeborg. Nordiske Fortidsminder, serie B, vol. 2.


Nordeuropa – Northern Europe

1944 Jessen, K. and H. Helbæk: Cereals in Great Britain and Ireland in prehistoric and early historic times. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 3/2: 1-68.

1952 Early Crops in Southern England. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 12: 194-233.

1953 The cereals from the Burnt Corn level. In: M.A. Cotton and R.E.M. Wheeler (eds.) Verulamium 1949. St Albans and Hertfordshire Archit. and Archaeol. Soc. Trans: 91.

1955 The botany of the Vallhagar Iron Age field, in: M. Stenberger (ed.) Vallhagar, a Migration Period site on Gotland, Sweden. Stockholm. Pp. 653-699.

1955 Charcoal and seeds from the hearth. In: C.M. Piggott (ed.) Milton Loch crannog I. A native house of the 2nd century AD in Kirkcudbrightshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in Scotland 87 (for 1952-3): 152.

1956 Appendix III: The carbonised grain. In: Trump, D.H (ed.). The Bronze Age Barrow and Iron Age Settlement at Thriplow. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquaries Society 49: 11-12.

1957 [Cereal identifications]. In: C.S.T. Calder: Report on the discovery of numerous stone age house sites in Shetland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries in Scotland 89: 353.

1957 Note on carbonized cereals. In: G.F. Burston and G.A. Holleyman (eds.) The late Bronze Age settlement on Itford Hill, Sussex. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 23: 206-209.

1964 The Isca grain, a Roman plant introduction in Britain. The New Phytologist 63: 158-164.

1966 Vendeltime farming products at Eketorp on Öland, Sweden. Acta Archaeologica 37: 216-221.

1972 Eketorp grain 1971. In: H. Jankuhn, W. Schlesinger and H. Steuer (eds.) Vor- und Frühformen der europäischen Stadt im Mittelalter. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: 19-20.

1979 Agronomic practices in migration period Eketorp. In: K. Borg, U. Näsman and E. Wegraeus (eds.) Eketorp. Fortification and Settlement on Öland/Sweden: 115-127.


Middelhavsområdet og den Nære Orient – The Mediterranean Region and the Near East

1948 App. I. Les empreintes des cereales. In: P.J. Riis (ed.): Hama II. 3 Les cimitières á cremation., Copenhague: Fouilles et Recherche de la Fondation Carlsberg: 205-207.

1953 Queen Ichetis’ wheat. A contribution to the Study of Early Dynastic Emmer of Egypt. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Biologiske Meddelelser 21/8: 1-17, plates I-IV.

1953/6 App. I. Plant remains from the Forum Romanum. In: E. Gjerstad (ed.): Early Rome I. Lund: Acta Inst. Romani Sueciae, ser. 4/17/1: 155-157.

1956 Ancient Egyptian wheats. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 21: 93-95.

1956 Vegetables in the funereal meals of pre-urban Rome. App. I in: E. Gjerstad: Early Rome II. Acta Inst. Roman Sueciae Scr. 4.27/2: 287-94. Lund.

1958 Plant economy in ancient Lachish. In: O. Tufnell: Lachish IV (Tell ed-Duweir). The Bronze Age. App. A. Oxford University Press: 309-317, Plate 15.

1959 Domestication of food plants in the Old World. Science 130/3372: 365-372.

1959 How farming began in the Old World. Archaeology 12/3: 183-189.

1960 The palaeoethnobotany of the Near East and Europe. In: R.J. Braindwood and B. Howe (eds.): Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan. Studies in Oriental Civilization 31: 99-118. Chicago, Oriental Institute.

1960 Appendix II. Cereals and Weed Grasses in Phase A (Hassuna Period). In: R.J. Braidwood and L. Braidwood (eds.): Excavations in the Plain of Antioch. Oriental Institute Publications 56: 540-543. Chicago, University Press.

1960 Ancient crops in the Shahrzoor valley in Iraqi Kurdistan. Sumer 16: 79-81.

1960 Ecological effects of irrigation in ancient Mesopotamia. Iraq 22: 186-96.

1960 Preliminary identifications in the Qantara deposit (A.D. c.900). App. III in T. Jacobsen (ed.): Report on essential results of the Diyala Basin Archaeological Project 1957-1958: 10-19. Baghdad: Directorate of Agriculture.

1961 Late Bronze Age and Byzantine Crops at Beycesultan in Anatolia. Anatolian Studies 11: 77-97.

1962 Les grains carbonises de la 48eme couche des fouilles de Tell Soukas. Annales Archeologiques de Syrie 11-12: 185-6.

1962 Late Cypriote vegetable diet at Apliki. Opuscula Atheniensia IV: 171-186. Lund.

1963 Textiles from Catal Huyuk. Archaeology 16: 39-46.

1963 Isin-Larsan and Horian food remains of Tell Bazmosian in the Dokan Valley. Sumer 19: 27-35.

1963 Queen Ichetis’ wheat. A contribution to the Study of Early Dynastic Emmer of Egypt. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute 26: 205-222.

1964 First Impressions of the Catal Höyük plant husbandry. Anatolian Studies 14:121-123.

1964 Early Hassunan vegetable remains at es-Sawwan near Samarra. Sumer 20: 45-48.

1966 The Plant Remains from Nimrud. In: M.E.L. Mallowan (ed.): Nimrud and Its Remains, vol. 2: 613-620. London.

1966 Pre-Pottery Neolithic farming at Beidha. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 98: 61-66.

1966 What farming produced at Cypriote Kalopsidha. In: Åstrom, P.: Excavations at Kalopsidha and Ayios Iakovos in Cyprus. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology II. Lund. Pp. 115-126.

1966 Report on carbonised grain from AF5 (GHD Phase). App. IV. In: D. H. Trump, Skorba. Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London 22: 53. Oxford University Press.

1967 Appendice II: Esame del materiale paleobotanico. In: C.E. Österberg (ed.) Luni sul Mignone e problemi delle preistoria d’Italia. Swedish Institute in Rome Series 4, 25: 279-282.

1969 Appendix I. Plant-collecting, dry-farming, and irrigation agriculture in prehistoric Deh Luran. In: F. Hole, K.V. Flannery and J.A. Neely (eds.): Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Deh Luran Plain. Memoir 1: 383-426, pl. 40-41. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology.

1970 The Plant Husbandry of Hacilar. In: J. Mellaart (ed.): Excavations at Hacilar, vol. I: 189-244. Edinburgh, University Press.

1972 Traces of plant remains in the early ceramic site of Umm Dabaghiyah. Iraq 34: 17-19.

1972 Samarran irrigation agriculture at Choga Mami in Iraq. Iraq 34: 35-48.

1974 Grain from the Siran bronze bottle. Annual of the Department of Antiquities in Jordan 19: 167-168.


Generel Arkæobotanik – General Archaeobotany

1953 Archaeology and agricultural botany. Annual Report of the London Institute of Archaeology 9: 44-59. London.

1953 Agerbrugsrevolutionen: De første spor af kulturplanternes forældre. Vor viden 88/2.række/hæfte 36: 303-308.

1953 Did man once live by beer alone? American Anthropologist 55: 517-519.

1955 La recherche paletnobotanique. Une science née de la découverte des palafittes. Sibrium II: 225-32. Varese, Italy.

1955  Origins of agriculture and of the historical process of cultural evolution. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society: 311-313.

1959 Notes on the evolution and history of Linum. Kuml: 103-129.

1959 Die Paläoethnobotanik des Nähen Ostens und Europas. Opuscula Ethnological Memoriae Ludovici Biro Sacra. Budapest. Pp. 265-289.

1959 På markvandring gennem oldtidens agre. Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark: 69-82.

1960 Comment on Chenopodium album as a food plant in Prehistory. Berichte des geobotanischen Forschungsintitutes der Eidg. Techn. Hochschule, Stiftung Rubel 31: 16-19. Zürich.

1961 Studying the diet of ancient man. Archaeology 14/2: 95-101.

1965 Archaeological evidence for genetic changes in wheat and barley. Plant Introd. Rev. (CSIRO) 2: 10-16. Canberra.

1966 Commentary on the phylogenesis of Triticum and Hordeum. Economic Botany 20/4: 350-60.

1969 Palaeo-ethnobotany. In: D. Brothwell and E. Higgs (eds.): Science in Archaeology. 2nd edition. London: Thames and Hudson: 177-185, Plate 9.

1971 The origin and migration of rye, Secale cereale L.; a palaeo-ethnobotanical study. In: P. H. Davis et al. (eds.) Plant life of south-west Asia. Botanical Society of Edinburgh: 265-280.

1972 Plant anatomy in culture-historical research. In: A.K.M. Ghouse and M. Yunus (eds.) Research Trends in Plant Anatomy. Bombay: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.